Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Gemstone Meanings

Gemstones are not just rare and beautiful products of nature. For a long time people have believed that different gemstones have special significance for our lives and can influence our health and well-being. Over the centuries, many cultures have contributed to the legends and lore surrounding gemstones. These rare products of nature have inspired philosophers and mystics to attribute unusual powers to these special minerals.

The best compendium of gemstone lore is undoubtedly that found in George Frederick Kunz’s book The Curious Lore of Precious Stones published in 1913. But Kunz was no mystic crystal-gazer. Rather he was the leading gemologist of his time and, in his role as the resident gem expert at Tiffany & Co. in New York, helped create the modern market for colored stones. He was also instrumental in putting together some of the greatest collections of rare gemstones, including the famous J.P. Morgan-Tiffany collection, now in the American Museum of Natural History.
Kunz believed that we can learn a great deal by studying the ways in which gemstones were used by different cultures and the beliefs that people at different times formed about rare gems. But for Kunz this study wasn’t just sociological curiosity, it was a way of learning about gemstones themselves. As he wrote, “Many of these ideas may seem strange enough to us now, and yet when we analyze them we find that they have their roots either in some intrinsic quality of the stones or else in an instinctive appreciation of their symbolical significance.”

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